Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ocean Sport Fishing - A great quality Hobbies Family Time

!±8± Ocean Sport Fishing - A great quality Hobbies Family Time

The beauty of our oceans is indescribable, for the most part. Splendor and majesty of those words can only touch the surface to test opportunities to interact, are the only times we really appreciate its wonders. This is a complex area of ​​the discovery that many opportunities to learn, offers, and then learning, the ability to share with others. Nowhere on earth can be seen as beautiful, still composed, incredibly spacious and majestic as the oceans. As a small childI was drawn to her like a magnet attracts iron. I remember going to the beach for the first time. It 'was an adventure for me that day, and I have options, would enjoy my life.

My father had a gift for the good of his children in his hobbies. He loved the sport fishing of all types, both terrestrial and marine fisheries have been passions of him. Why is shared with all her children, we have developed a strong bond with him and leisureHobby-sports fishery itself. By the age of six or seven until I was a teenager, we had fun fishing together often.

We have special trips just for the fish species that feed better at night when the water temperature was correct, or the moon in the correct phase, what he taught us. Finally we got to go fishing in salt water: when I was 13, I went on my first ocean fishing trip with my father. This was one of my passionsin life, many of which are gifts of experience and learning through him.

My first fishing trip in the sea came in the middle of the summer of 1967, my father told me and my brother Steven, who among us the following night on Saturday. Since this is a Tuesday, we could not sleep at night for the rest of the week. Our heads were full of wonder about the possibilities and ideas about what it would be. We had a lot of small boats, but never as big as a boat fishingDad was already on his friends. He has always displayed great fish: albacore, yellowtail, rock cod, calico bass, barracuda, Ling Cod, you name it. We were very excited and could not wait for Saturday to come, we knew that the large doors came to our species.

Saturday came too soon for us. We were leaving that evening to 11:00 clock, for a trip to the Coronado Islands off the coast of southern California. We were headed for the area outside the bank fishery, thereEl Nino was a 'current and large schools of tuna were relatively close to reaching the islands. Dad was all smiles, you could tell he was proud to take this special trip. Two of his friends were to come, and teased me and my brother no end of these fish, and so our butts whipped. It 'just something more eager to get on with it. The idea that a fish is fighting so hard to see even more enthusiastic. Visions were abundant on this day.

We drove down to the Pacific LandingBeach, Calif., after stopping to buy special bait for dad took us kids. Walking into the office of land has been exciting in itself, places, and the smells were fishing and fun. The walls were decorated with taxidermy trophies, very hugh 'Bass covered the Black Sea, "was a Cuban cigar in his mouth and gave us even more excited. The boats were out 85' painted up to 110 'in length, blue and white looked like a sort of floating sky. We rented fishing rods and reels same for meand my brother. Dad helped us choose the right fishing equipment and guides necessary for large fish. Finally, we got new jute bags to keep our capture, and boarded the boat.

The boat set out at 11:00 as expected. My brother and I were in seventh heaven. There was a place we have on board have not found our way to get us into the captain pilot house, and were impressed with the controls, radar, sonar fish finder, compass and radio system. Direct talked with us about everything, andI remember everything like it was yesterday. We finally went to the bunkroom and restless sleep. The sound of the beat on the bridge we woke up the next morning. People were screaming and the sound of slaps Big Fish the bridge, so to speak, with the powerful tail. It 'was something we had never heard before, but Steven and I knew it was time the jackpot. We were excited on the upper deck and our fishing rods.

When we arrived on the bridge, was 08.30 clock and the barrel was a giant fishBridge directly in front of our eyes. The sailor had "Whitey" the bar just after pulling the fish out of water for the fisherman who caught it was removed. It 'been a 12-16 lb amberjack, and along the bridge, it seemed that everyone was excited. Pali has been folded and smiles were everywhere on all sides, including our own. We moved as fast as possible for the poles that had been tampered with 8 "Blue and White Masks Apollo recall the night before. Jocko, a friend of my father saw us and called usto watch over him. He had to laugh and make fun of us that we were not a good catch, if we do not get our lines wet in 1 minute.

I had an experience quite good casting a conventional plant, and it was really good. My brother Steve was not shabby either we hunt for a certain distance. The fish were literally boiling water. You could see them breaking the surface, and only feeding on the partner, who had been thrown by the sailors. I started my mask right after meetingWater. I wanted to keep it on the surface or just below, because the right fish. On my third cast, a connection that I have doubled my staff. Line rang my role, so I set my drag a little 'closer. Yet the line kept going and did not know what to do. My father was right about that time and told me that the move to put a little 'more and leave the fish's head. Which means you could run for a minute. I did as instructed, impressed with the strength that I felt my pullRod. I had caught big fish before, but nothing like that.

As the fish ran, changed direction several times. Once on the boat, so that my line go slack, and once toward the bow. I've had this for about ten minutes in line went slack as fast as I could, alternately walking along the side of the guide as the gunnel fish took me for a walk. Dad was right there encouraging me, Jocko and I were egging his friend Claude, and the prediction of fish would wipe my ass, allthe fun. I was pretty tired, my arms were locked up in weight and holding power for about 20 minutes already, but I would say the fish was getting weaker all the time. I would like him, I could see where to fight him, and he ran at full speed once again, right under the boat twice. Finally on the side of the boat where I could Whitey gaff.

This was a "big eye tuna," he said, and will go beyond 80 pounds. I could not believe how big it was, was designed as the bridge. It tookJocko Whitey for both him and get on board with two peaks. When the fish hit the deck, hit hard on the tail for about 1 minute. White hit him on top of the head with a 'Louisville Slugger', only to him until the end. I was grinning from ear to ear, and Dad congratulated me to no end. My brother Steven had two amberjack caught on average about 14-20 pounds each, and had his mask in the water again. We took the fish to assign that day, but none was as big as my obese. I have notTake the money from the jackpot, because I've never before in the jackpot the night. My bigeye tuna to 86 pounds in 14 oz weighted ascended, the largest fish that day. And 'filling the tank from end to end, when we got home. The tail end of the tank blocked by about eight inches, was certainly great.

We fished all over this morning and early afternoon. I caught a lot of albacore and yellowtail, barracuda and a couple of start-up. They seem to run together in packs. It 'been a great journey before. My fatherWe knew we would fish for this reason that led us to the catcher. He explained that he had got there first, because he did not think we could still land big fish. Well, of course I said it was ready, before this trip. He laughed at me and rubbed my swollen head.

And 'at times like these that remind the child forever. Its times like these that create a connection with nature, and parents. I never had forgotten a minute of this trip. It happened many years ago, and was followed by many traveling alone,Travelling with my friend John Hogan, and sister Charlene. After this trip, my father would then twenty dollars so you can hit the fishing boats from me, or with a friend. That's why I share them now. You can never be a better time to share with your children outdoors. It 'very important to spend time together in a physical quality, such as, share and learn together.

This is for sport fishing as a hobby. Try this at home, it works!

Ocean Sport Fishing - A great quality Hobbies Family Time

Black Berkey Filter Discounted

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